Australian Beauty YouTuber Superstars

Australian Beauty YouTuber Superstars that will inspire you!
By Samara Nilsson for Makeup Weapons
The writer herself is new to this whole world of Youtubery, until about six months ago, I only used the Tube to see videos of cats being jerks, the Hoff eating that cheeseburger drunk, dubstep remixes of the Kazoo Kid and of course, my personal favourite, that goat that spent a day terrorising a town in South America.
For those of you, who alike me, are new to the video makeup game, Youtube is a great place to start to get your noggin around the concept of putting makeup on your noggin, but in amongst all the rich beauty advice, there is a lot of digital white noise on there (please people, do not try clown contouring).
So, for the purpose of saving y’all the drama of digging through all the random terrifying sh*t that would make you want to toss away your beauty products and join and Armish community, I have found some of Australia’s video blogger heavyweights, ones that are the real deal and will steer you in the right direction when it comes to matters of the face.
Chloe Morello
Most of Chloe’s videos are under ten minutes, so perfect for beauty lovers looking for a quick fix or a bit of inspiration. This bright and bubbly babe is known for keeping it real and her audience loves her for it.
Ms Morello is not just a pretty face, she also co-developed the Revlon Sculpt and Highlight Contour Kit and has her own Ciate London shadow palette.
Get it girl!
See Chloe’s video on Instagram makeup here:
Nikkia Joy
This gal does it all! Pro makeup artist, YouTube queen, she also has her own beauty line in the works and is now creating a personalised lipstick shade with beautifying heavyweight, MAC Cosmetics.
I love her video for this rocking cranberry smokey eye holiday look! See if you can spot the Makeup Weapons ;)
Lauren Curtis
This YouTube kween is known for her glamour statement looks.
Although predominately beauty based, Lauren also publishes lifestyle videos and is very generous with sharing her life with her fans.
If you are looking for some party makeup inspiration along with some solid product knowledge, Lauren is your girl!
This ultra-glam smokey-eye would be the perfect party accessory:
Heidi Hamound
In my mind, Heidi Hamound embodies your stereotypical YouTube superstar, her videos are well edited, her product knowledge and content is tight and she nails her looks every time.
Heidi is known for her super-glowy-lashy-flawlessAF aesthetic, she does glamour looks and she does them well.
Check out Heidi’s signature style with this glowy summertime look:
Michelle Crossan
If you are looking for natural beauty inspiration, you will love Michelle Crossan.
Although Michelle’s stuff focuses primarily on high end beauty, she does let her audience know when she can find cheaper substitutes.
Also, she keeps her website up to date, so if you prefer the old fashioned pictured blogpost (or just can’t watch Youtube because the boss is close by and between googling cats being jerks, you are kind of starting to doubt your job security), you can read her content (on the low key) at http://beautylifemichelle.com/.
Check out Michelle’s channel here:
Rachel Lea
Rachel is a baben’ Melbourne blogger with a huge range of high-quality videos. Her content covers a wide spectrum, from DYI to lifestyle and beauty and I found her tips on organising your makeup area are incredibly helpful (my makeup area looks like the beauty version of the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan, yanno the one on the beach #makeupwarzone).
See her video here on what is in her travel makeup kit here:
P.s. I also live the zip-lock makeup life
Makeup Weapons!
Yes that is right, Makeup Weapons has it’s very own Youtube now! Curated by its founder and makeup super star Sheri Vegas, this channel features stuff straight from the makeup artist’s mouth and is incredibly helpful if you would like some advice on how best to use your Makeup Weapons brushes.
I loved this sweet and subtle smokey-eye:
Samara Nilsson is a freelance writer, content creator and makeup artist who lives in Brisbane, aside from writing short bios about herself in the third person, she dabbles in a bit of beauty training (not bias, but her makeup workshops are pretty fun and you should buy one so that she can continue to fund her dog’s taste for luxury pet food), painting on peoples’ noggins and singing to gangster rap in her underwear when no-body (except her dog) is home, you can see her body of work, along with more third person talk about herself here: www.samaranilsson.com or find her on the I-G @samaralouise.